Sunday, November 30, 2008

Part 7, the final part of Islam

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November 29, 2008 - Saturday

Islam - Part 7 of 7
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Furthermore, according to Islamic jurisprudence and Sharia, with the unanimous agreement of all scholars, "no compulsion in religion" simply means that all Arabs, Jews, Christians, nonbelievers, and pagans have the freedom to convert to Islam, but not the other way around. In other words, it is a one-way freedom.

The doctrine of allegiance and immunity

Mohammed's authority involved as well. Alongside revelations of Islam being "the religion of Allah," Mohammed claimed his own supremacy as the apostle of Allah, and he consequently taught that all prophets, apostles, or messengers who came before him were simply for runners who were now replaced. Since he was now the sole authority, all other systems politically were invalid, based on the divine doctrines as expressed in the corner and this is a. This religious political doctrine is known as the doctrine of Al Wallaa' wa al Baraa (allegiance and immunity), which is, in short: enmity.

To understand how the administrative challenge works, we need to consider the pragmatic challenge.

The pragmatic challenges of Islam

Dear we need to consider at least four of them most important ingredients of the pragmatic challenge: the doctrine of the Takkiya (cover-up), doctrine of abrogation, doctrine of biblical corruption, and doctrine of living obedience.

The doctrine of Takkiya (cover-up)

Takkiya literally means "caution," "fear," or "disguise." If sanctions lying to or deceiving others to advance the cause of Islam or to preserve its good name. As such, "it permits to suspension, as the need arises, of almost any or all of religious requirements, or its doctrines-including a total denial of faith-when fearing threat, injury, or compulsion of any kind in any non-Muslim society, or even in a Muslim society."The Qur'anic injunction for Takkiya is Sura 16:106: "anyone who after accepting faith in Allah utters Unbelief (kuffur) except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in faith but such as open their breasts to unbelief, on them is wrath from Allah."

The wireless used in connection with the TF, especially in taking oaths with a complete mental blockage by the user, continue to do incalculable damage and injury to all of its victims.

The Takkiya is very effectively used in apologetics, so a Muslim debater will hide or deny certain parts of the Qur'an to justify and advance the cause of Islam. Always outmaneuvering his Christian opponents, the debater does this with no guilt as this is divinely sanctioned. I personally practice this prior to coming to the Lord. It is displayed in words, actions, or attitudes.

The doctrine of abrogation

The doctrine of ambition was to Mohammed a doctrine of convenience. So when he claimed a revelation to be no longer suitable, he claimed that it was replaced by some new revelation. For example, initially in his mission Christians were friends and called the nearest and closest to Muslims, but later they were the enemies and the worst of Allah's creatures.

The difficulty with this doctrine is that it is scattered all over the Qur'an, and one phrase or verse in the aggregate or replace either one or many. So, for instance, Sura 9:5 abrogate some 124 verses of the Qur'an! Interestingly, the abrogated (nullified) verses are quoted to non-Muslims all the time, causing obfuscation and taking a Christian apologist by surprise. But this practice is justified via the Takkiya doctrine explained above.

The doctrine of biblical corruption

The doctrine of the corruption of the Bible is constantly preached in the mosques and Islamic outlets, deploying all mental and spiritual skills, and in debates. In the initial stages of Mohammed's mission, the early Suras validated the biblical scriptures, only to be abrogated by later ones. It is not unusual for Muslim speakers to impress the Western audiences with these earlier "friendly" versus and to complain that there is hardly any difference between Islam and Christianity!

Again, in borrowing biblical terminologies and giving them different interpretations, Islam has taken on the triune God of the universe and his church and, according to Scripture, is bound to fail.

The doctrine of living obedience

Islam declares that Allah has created man and jinn (unseen beings) to worship him. Islam, being a religion and a state, obligates a Muslim to such "worship" at both levels. These duties are known as ibada. So fasting is worship (Sura 2:183, 185), as is salat (ritual prayer) and zakat (almsgiving) (Sura 9:60), and so is the hijab (woman's head covering) and wearing of beards for men (because Mohammed had a beard). But ibada also includes killing and slaying on his enemies (Sura 2:216).

Hence, every Muslim is a soldier in the state of Islam. As a Muslim soldier, he or she is required to obey and to feel not only the religious obligations of fasting and praying but also the duties of the state, including fighting and dying for the way of Allah. This is codified in the Qur'an as the doctrine of living obedience, based, for example, and Sura 61:11: "that you believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that you strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allah, with your property and your persons: that will be best for you, if you but knew!"

From a pragmatic perspective, the doctrine of living obedience gives the Islamic authorities (combined religious/political/military) full rights to demand any services from the Muslims, including sacrifice of property and even life. In fact, this doctrine is the basis of the current suicide phenomenon observed now on a daily basis.

A Christian response to the challenges of Islam

Apologetics generally requires a thinking mind. But Christian apologetics demands more: a thinking head as well as a compassionate heart. This is more easily said than done. Jesus commanded his followers to love their enemies and pray for them (Matt. 5:44). He knew and said that he was sending them (his disciples) as lambs in the midst of wolves (Matt. 10:16). Muslim evangelism requires a life of prayer, self-denial, and even great risk in some circumstances.

Realizing that in Islam fills the minds of its citizens with a different Jesus-and that even to imagine Jesus as the second person of the triune Godhead is a combination of high treason and blasphemy-one begins to understand the desperate state into which Muslims are born through no choice of their own.

A distorted view of Jesus

Islam is the lens through which Muslims see the Qur'an excursion of Christ and even the Trinity. So what they see in Jesus, which in their book, is really what apologists call a straw man; in the case of the Trinity, they see an extreme and truly blasphemous case of idolatry. Through this distorted lens they see a Jesus who is a prophet only to the Jews, who came for the purpose of confirming the law of the Torah and to announce the coming of one greater than he-one named Ahmad (another name for Mohammed). To Muslims, Jesus' mission is not universal, as Mohammed's is said to be, and he is alleged to be a Muslim himself; even Jesus is set to bow the knee to Allah in Islam.

To realize this is to develop a compassionate outlook and to begin to comprehend even the most heinous permutation of the Islamic faith we are witnessing today-the growing number of suicide bombers. Contrary to what we hear, these young men and women are often hand-picked from among the most moderate of the Muslim population. They are then pressured within a short period of time into taking an action they are sure it is necessary to please Allah and at the same time to bring honor to their families.

In spite of this, Muslims yearn for the true God, and many are crying out in search of the truth. And an increasing number of cases, Christ is coming to them and is answering them directly. However, this does not leave us free to abandon the pursuit of reaching Muslims. It just means that our pursuit must be more intentional and that we must realize certain realities make reaching Muslims totally different from any of the other false religions in existence.

A little bit of truth, but not the whole picture

As we have discussed briefly, Islam gains its authenticity from claiming to be the furtherance of the Torah and the Gospels of the New Testament, while at the same time protecting itself from comparison-and thus exposure-through a convenient doctrine of "biblical corruption."This doctrine claims that the Scriptures were altered by the Jews and Christians in order to remove the alleged predictions of the coming prophet of Islam, Mohammed. So one can see that Muslims have been methodically inoculated on all points by having been given heavy doses of what appears to be true, so that the actual truth looks like the lie. Through their lands, they get a little bit of Jesus, but not the real Jesus, the second person of our triune God, our savior, priest, and king-but a Muslim Jesus, with no cross, no deity, no universal mission as savior of mankind.

Through their lens, they also get a little bit of the patriarchs, the Trinity, and all other key personalities and doctrines-just enough to give the appearance of confirming and extending the Torah and Gospels. They had a little here, only a little there-so only in the appearance remains intact; but the gospel they tell is a "different gospel" that fits the warning in the Bible against adding or subtracting from Scriptures (Gal. 1:8; Rev. 22:18-19).

Principles for reaching Muslims

This is just a brief overview of the challenges of Islam, but we are encouraged greatly by what the Lord is doing in recent days among Muslims, and by the assurances we have that he indeed will go with us when we go in his name and for his purposes.

Below are some principles that apply for those who are moved to take on this formidable challenge to dedicate themselves to reaching Muslims. At first glance, they may seem simplistic, but each principle is distilled from experience on the front lines of Muslim evangelism.

Muslim evangelism is labor intensive. This will not come as a surprise, but it must be intentionally taken into account or one can burn out after feelings of failure set in when coming up against the substantial defenses that Islam has erected in the Muslim mind. Keep in mind always that results are not the issue, but rather perseverance, diligence, and accountability.

Have a backup team of intercessors. These people care about these concerns and can also be a sounding board when you hit an obstacle or have theological questions about certain issues. Muslims are drawn to Christians and often share personal issues and request prayer-amazingly enough. Also, you yourself will meet back up prayer because of increasing spiritual pressures you will experience the more successful you are.

Muslim evangelism requires an ongoing commitment to the study of Christian doctrines. In our witness to Muslims, the Bible and its teachings will be severely tested, accused, and refuted-but it is the inspired Word of God that embodies the truth.

Know your enemy and know your spiritual limits. Studying the Qur'an and Islamic sources and issues is essential, but it is also spiritually draining and unhealthy without a constant dose of God's truth. As a general rule, I recommend a four-to-one ratio of praise, worship, and immersion in the Word for everyone hour in the Qur'an and other sources. This caution must not be overlooked. You may be able to get by in the beginning, but it will catch up with you, and many have been so seriously wounded that they have become ineffective. We must take heed.

Before engaging in Qur'anic studies, be sure that this is a calling of the Lord. Everyone can witness their faith to Muslims by coming alongside them as friends and through many activities short of studying the Qur'an. However, those who want to go into studies of Islamic sources should be sure of their calling to apologetics or polemics and should approach it with sobriety.

Beautiful in your relationships with Muslims. When you converse with Muslims, you need to watch your temper because the lies and refutations will not always be limited to issues of the Bible, but will spill over into your culture, your country, and all you hold dear. Remember that this is to put you to the test by provoking you. Stay calm and seek the Lord's help under fire. Once you lose your temper, you have lost a lot.

Demonstrate the love of Christ in your relationships with Muslims. Muslims are drawn to the love of Christ, and this is a big responsibility as well as a blessing. When I read the New Testament, what amazed and astounded me the most was the teachings on love, not only towards one's kin and kindred, but even towards one's enemies. It was so different from my training in Islam that it actually made me angry that someone could suggest something so obviously impossible. But as I continued reading, the reality of it entered my heart and changed my life.

And finally, do not ignore the supernatural in Muslim evangelism, or take it as an excuse to avoid evangelism, depending on the Lord to come to your Muslim friend in a vision or dream. We have been commanded to proclaim love-in season and out (2 Tim. 4:2)-so we command you to obey the Lord even if it means some hardship. After all, we have been called to deny ourselves and carry the cross of Christ for his glory.

Taken from: Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias (pages: 60-70) – And a special thanks to my friend Alex for sharing this with me to add in my blog.

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Part 6 of Islam

Is Allah, the stone idol, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Just because Muhammad said so doesn't make it so! Allah chose Hagar and her son Ishmael for his covenant. The God of the Bible chose Abraham's other son, Isaac, as heir to His covenant.

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Abraham said to God, "If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!" Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation. But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year." When he had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him (Genesis 17:18-22).

Allah is an unknowable being, impossible to approach or comprehend. The chief lack in the Islamic doctrine of God is that of love. The orthodox Muslim cannot say that God is love. The Bible's God befriends people like Abraham (Isaiah 41:8) and talks with them (Genesis 18:22ff). He loved us so much that he sent His only begotten Son to die fur us!

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

Dear Friends, let us lone one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning Sacrifice for our sins (1 John 4:7-10).

Allah is a god you cannot know personally. You know only the laws and commands of God given through the prophets, which you must obey and submit to. When a Muslim prays, he will always pray for mercy because he does not know the grace of God. He does not know that God loves us and has provided a Savior for our sins.

The Bible's God delights to show His boundless mercy. His gospel is the "good news" of grace and forgiveness, and His Kingdom to come! Titus 3:4-7 says:

When the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, when he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

Allah requires total obedience to Islam and weighs the works of people. Allah and the Koran relegate Jesus to just the last prophet before Muhammad, below his authority. Jesus was not the Way, and could only point the way to Muhammad.

The Bible's God can only be reached through Jesus Christ, and trusting him is the only way to heaven. Jesus said:

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).

Allah required the works of Muhammad to complete his words of judgment to man. The God of the Bible sent His Son to accomplish the finished work of grace for man.

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit (John 19:30).

In the light of Allah's actual origin and his radical difference from the God of the Bible, we must conclude that Allah is NOT God, as may Christians think. Allah is the name of a false god who cannot save anyone from anything!

With all of this, I'd like to end the blog…….Quoting Sam Solomon from his book, Challenges from Islam, he says, "Islam poses a huge challenge to the whole world generally and particularly so to the biblical Church… Political Islam, radical Islam, moderate Islam, peaceful Islam, mystical Islam, folk Islam, and many other forms of permutations of Islam-all these titles lead us to the first major error of looking at Islam from non-Islamic filters or glasses, and thus interpreting it and measuring it subjectively. We view Islam in this way to our peril, overlooking the fact that the challenge is not only political or of a terrorist nature. Rather, as Islam advances in our society, it takes on new faces and new challenges not yet in view."

How does Islam view the Christian gospel do you ask? Sam Solomon continues… it is important to understand that many non-biblical philosophies or ideologies tend to use biblical terminologies but mean something very different by each term. Islam is a prime example of that, as almost all of its terminology is borrowed from the Bible-yet its concepts and definitions are fundamentally, dramatically, and totally different.

Many today, even Christians, have the following opinion: "the Qur'an speaks of many Old Testament prophets and Jesus, and it refers favorably to Christians. Furthermore, the two faiths are very similar with similar teaching and only very minor differences."This is a prevalent view, even in evangelical circles.
But is it true?

There are increasing social pressures that urge us to focus exclusively on similarities when assessing different lifestyles and belief systems in our politically correct culture, but such similarity is an illusion at best, especially when it comes to accessing the nature of Islam. A reasonable person knows when they have themselves examined the differences. Therefore, in order to reveal the differences between Islam and Christianity, we must first scrutinize the whole body of thought and faith that is Islam."

Definition of Islam

The popular Western view of the word Islam meaning "peace" is neither accurate nor Qur'anic. Qur'anically speaking, Islam means "submission" or "surrender," but certainly not "peace" by any definition. Sura 49:14 states, "the Bedouins say: 'We believe.' Say: 'You believe not you only say, we have surrendered [in Islam], for Faith has not entered your hearts.'"

Islam cannot be defined as a religion in the Western sense of the word; neither can it be termed as a faith. Muslim scholars state that Islam is an all-encompassing system a socio-political, socio-religious system, as well as socio-economic, socio-educational, legislative, judiciary, and military system govern every aspect of the lives of its adherents, the relationship among themselves, and with those who are non-Muslim.

Islam's constitutional components: the Qur'an and the Sunnah

The constitutional components of Islam, the Qur'an and Sunnah, comprise even today in some Muslim countries (such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the former Taliban regime) the equivalent of the national Constitution and all Muslim majority countries (such as Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia, and Indonesia), family law for Muslim communities is based on Sharia law, which is derived from these constitutional components even with the participation of the US government, the national constitutions of Iraq and Afghanistan are based on these components, in the sense that these constitutions cannot contradict Islamic law. So let's now briefly examined the basic constitutional ingredients of Islam and their makeup: the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Islam claims the book known as the Qur'an to be the final revelation of Allah to mankind through his last and final messenger Muhammad, the seal of all of the prophets. This revelation was given to Mohammad piecemeal over a period of twenty-three years and the angel Gabriel. These revelations came to Mohammad mostly in the form of dictated citations by Gabriel

A reflection on the author of the corner
unlike the Bible, the Qur'an has no historical authentic document that we can witness to its literary reliability or to its historical authenticity. Its followers claim divine origin from the eternal tablet. They also claim that the Qur'an has come to perfect the Bible by adding to it. Yet the Qur'an's teachings contradict the very biblical teaching it claims to have come to complete. It does not teach anywhere the Ten Commandments, remains inconsistent with its own teaching, and at best portrays a totally different nature.

There is the character of its author: Allah. As described in the Qur'an, Allah is not a covenant-making god, for if he were to do that it would diminish his absolute authority and might find him subject to his creatures due to such a covenant. As portrayed, he is master of deception. He contradicts himself and justifies that by calling it abrogation, meaning the replacement of the earlier revelations with later ones as they were out of date and no longer applicable-all within a period of twenty-three years. Tawhid, the oneness or unity of Allah, is emphasized by repeated denials that Allah has no son, but it is not explained logically or philosophically in the Qur'an. All non-Muslims are Allah's enemies, with specific emphasis on Jews and Christians. He commands the followers of his prophet, whom he calls Muslims, to kill them and regard all non-Muslims as profane. He does not consider the Golden Rule. He never reveals himself, as he is ultra-transcendent and unknowable.

All the terminology in the Qur'an is allegedly "revealed" by Allah, whereby he has broken his treaty with non-Muslims forever and has made the shedding of their blood legitimate. There are no absolutes with him. He has repaired a desired place for those who do his bidding but with no certainty. In this place, they would have their full share of sexual pleasures, including alternative lifestyles and beautiful virgins specifically created for the enjoyment of his slaves, as well as young handsome boys who will remain actually fresh and young, shining like pearls.

In Islam, the highest sacrifice is not that of self-denial for the good of others but of self-sacrifice for the sake of Allah and killing his enemies. The benchmark of true believers is not their ability to love their enemies but how much they can hate them, even if they are their own parents, children, brothers, or Kinsman. Allah declared his enmity with them forever and ever if they resist him and Mohammad, his apostle.

Book of the Qur'an

Having introduced the alleged author of the Qur'an, let us consider the book itself. It is composed of 114 chapters known as Suras. They are not chronologically organized. The Arabic to language is intrinsically part of the revelation. Therefore, all its translations are regarded as commentaries and not text. Strange as it may sound, the Qur'an has no coherent message, lacks clarity, and is historically inaccurate and internally inconsistent.

Apologetically speaking, the Qur'an has serious fear of biblical teachings and so it distorts them through allusions and by falsification of the biblical truths. It's revelation through inspiration and its methodology is shrouded in secrecy. The original version of the Qur'an, having been preserved in the eternal tablet, was brought down to the atmospheric realm of our earth. Muslims believe that the whole of the Qur'an is an inspired word, with no human influence whatsoever. It has never been subjected to the acid tests that the Bible has been.

The Sunnah Muhammad: The Exemplar

Sunnah is an Arabic word that means "to form, to shape, to mold, to set, a path a track."In this case, it means "the example of the Prophet Muhammad," with the intent of establishing a new community and unifying it away from its tribal and ethnic backgrounds.

Mohammad claimed to be the perfect man and the ultimate example. The implication of the Sunnah is that all Muslims are to model their lives on Muhammad's life. Thus, the Qur'an is like a framework, but at least 80 percent of a Muslim's life is shaped by the Sunnah.

Islamic law declares that insulting the Prophet Muhammad is equaling two insulting Allah. Allah and Muhammad are paired throughout the Qur'an. If one believes in Allah without a belief in Muhammad and his status as the final prophet, he or she is regarded as an infidel and an enemy of Islam. Though denied outwardly, this belief is firmly established and central to the very survival of Islam.

Furthermore, according to the most respected scholars of Islam, Muhammad Spirit was created before Allah created Adam, and the Islamic creed is inscribed on the throne of Allah. As taught in the Qur'an, Muhammad was a lawgiver. Hence, regarding any issue in Islam, the only definitive answer in any given category is what did jurisprudence states, based on these twofold foundations, the Qur'an on the Sunnah, and disseminated by the mosque.

Having outlined the basic constitutional components of Islam, we now need to consider a few of its many charges-namely, the theological, political, administrative, and pragmatic challenges.

The theological challenge of Islam

Unlike any other religion or ideology, Islam based its authenticity and legitimacy firmly upon the prior revelations contained in the whole of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures. Let us examine a few of the key Qur'anic declarations as they referred to, and thus draw at authenticity from, the Bible.

Jesus proclaimed the coming of Muhammad

The Qur'an declares that the sole mission of Jesus was to affirm the Torah and proclaimed the coming of Muhammad: "and when Iesa (Jesus), son of Mary, said: 'O children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah unto you confirming the Tauât (Torah) which came] before me, and getting glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed: but when he [Ahmed i.e. Muhammad] came to them with clear proofs, they said: 'this is plain Magic'" (Sura 61:6).

According to the Qur'an, this above mentioned prophecy by Jesus was one of many within the biblical text that are set to make a clear reference to the coming of Muhammad. And in fact, Muslims say that the whole of Scripture speaks of Muhammad, so that the "Jews and Christians know him well," as referenced in Sura 7:157: "those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own [scriptures],-in the Law and the Gospel."

All Biblical Prophets were Muslims

The Qur'an regards all Biblical Prophets as having been Muslim, because Islam, being the religion of Allah, means that all his prophets are Muslims by definition. Further, the Qur'an states that the Old Testament prophets Paul preached Islam and now there will to Allah in Islam, as in Sura 3:67: "Ibrahim (Abraham) was neither Julie nor Christian, but he was a true Muslim Hanifa and he bowed his will to either in Islam."

One of many other references for this concept is Sura 2:136, in which all the patriarch and Moses are said to have also been Muslims. "We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), Ya'cub (Jacob), and to Al-Asbat [the 12 sons of Ya'cub (Jacob)], and that which has been given to Musa (Moses) and Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam)."

All Mankind Is Created Muslim

Based on this and many other verses, Islam has an even more specific doctrine called fitrah, as referenced in Sura 30:30: "So set you (O Muhammad) your face towards the religion of pure Islamic monotheism Hanifa Allah's Fitrah, with which He has created mankind. No change will there be in Khalq-illah (i.e. the Religion of Allah Islamic Monotheism), that is the straight religion, but most of the men know not." This doctrine teaches that not only were Jesus and the Major Prophets created as Muslims, but that all mankind-without exception-is created Muslim. It is only once parents, community, environment, or other influences that make you one a non-Muslim. As such, people who are of another faith-such as a Christian, Jew, pagan, or other belief system-are in a state of rebellion against Allah.

That is why when non-Muslims convert to Islam, the term reversion is applied rather than conversion because they are "reverting" back to earth status as Muslims therefore, when a Christian or a Jew says the Islamic statement of faith to become a Muslim, they are not "converts"; they are "reverts"-and they are welcomed "home" with great rejoicing by the Muslim community here given assistance, training, community, and they have all of their needs met because they have "returned to the religion of Allah.'

Muhammad Is the Final Prophet

These disputes, counteraccusations, and Islamizing of the biblical prophets and their scriptures and revelations promoted the revelations in Mohammad's defense that he was supremely unique, the final prophet, the only means of salvation, and absolute authority within Islam and thus to all mankind.

Naturally these views were challenged by the Christians and the Jews of Mohammed's day, and these challenges led him to claim that they were both in error and lying. He further accused them of tampering with their own scriptures in order to remove the prophecies that predicted him. These accusations resulted in the Qur'anic doctrine of biblical corruption as explained in more detail in the section on the pragmatic challenge of Islam.

The result of the affirmation doctrine led to the falsification of all Biblical revelations, teachings, values, laws, covenants, doctrines, and thus the rejection of the uniqueness of Christ, his person, and his atoning work. Mohammad then moved onto clear that he represents the perfect model to be followed and imitated by all, calling himself master of the entire human race and claiming to the headship over all the prophets as the only intercessor with Allah.

The political challenges of Islam

The political challenge is traced to its original roots in the evolution of early Islam under the direction and administration of Mohammed. The full implementation of his political program by his followers for the past 1400 years reveals hardly any change in the doctrines of political Islam, as coded in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Two important doctrines by Mohammad need to be considered in this regard.

The Doctrine of the Universality of Mohammed's Message and Mission

First is the doctrine of Universality of Mohammed's message and mission. Sura 7:158-say O mankind I am an apostle of Allah unto all of you"-means that, since all people need to be brought back to Islam, and Muslims are obligated to implement the school by every means necessary. The resulting political implication divides the world into two territories the land of Islam and the land of war. The land of Islam is to be fully governed by the Islamist state armed with Sharia law, in the land of war is to be subdued by every means necessary.

The Doctrine of Jihad

With the second is the doctrine of Jihad, which evolved to apply to both the land of Islam in the land of war. In the land of Islam, the state is vulnerable to attacks by Islamist enemies and other religious and political groups. Hence, the means of population control and subjugation of opposition needed to be put in place.

In the lead of war, wars were fought by Mohammad and his followers; the so-called enemies of Allah were fought against and we're subdued. Some of the pagans were spared on recertification of the creed that upon acceptance of the political and religious hegemony of Islam, or killed if they fail to do so. Only the Jews and Christians were given the choice to convert (revert) or to live a life of servitude and humiliation under strict Islamic regulations with their religious freedom stifled (Sura 9:29).

I am sad to say that not only were millions and millions of people killed in those early Islamic conquests, but Jihad in real terms has virtually never stopped. Today persecution is rife, and non-Muslims have at best a token of freedom for religious survival with severe penalties if they ever attempt to preach overtly or attempt to convert Muslims.

The Crime of Conversion

Because of this climate of fear regarding the charges for converting Muslims, when I asked one of my Christian friends to get me a copy of the New Testament, there was much hesitancy on his part. He refused at first and required a lot of pushing and pleading before she did it. When I got it, I had to hide it. Finally when I could read it, I had to do so in utter secrecy. This is why when it became known that I had embraced the Christian face, I was arrested and went through a considerably hard time, finally being forced into exile by being deported for my country of birth.

To discard Islam for another faith, or for no faith, is a serious crime the less severe than treason. In some Muslim countries the punishment for embracing Christ is death by public execution. While in other countries it can mean a life of isolation and ostracism, hardship on all fronts, and continuous harassment from the family to the state.

Overall, the supremacy of Islam is prevalent even in the so-called moderate Muslim countries and regions such as Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Turkey, and the Gulf. This magnifies and already difficult task of evangelism among Muslims.

Sadly, even in the Western world comparatively few Christians are engaged in evangelizing Muslim friends. This may be due to fear or lack of knowledge regarding how to go about it. And when they do, they are at a loss because the lines of distinction are blurred with seeming similarities. Yet the Christian faith in Islam are as far away from each other as the east is from the west.

The administrative challenges of Islam.

Mohammed stated that Islam is a religion and a state, and he intertwined both, making them inseparable. Mohammed himself claimed authority from top to bottom in the budding Islamic entity, including prophetic office, supreme legislator, judge, commander-in-chief of the armies, and finally as head of the Muslim community. It established the state, sent armies, conquered his enemies, and collected taxes. He regulated the conduct of his followers by legislating their behaviors in almost every aspect of their public and private lives-both in relationship to one another and in relation to non-Muslims. So as stated before, Islam is neither a religion in the Western sense of the word, nor is it a faith; it is an all-encompassing system.

The Islamic view of life and religion

When considering the many comprehensiveness of the Islamic system, we must note that the relationship between life and religion in a Muslim society is foundationally different from that of other societies. In non-Muslim societies, there is a lot more to life than just religion. Furthermore, the freedom to choose one's religion is in principle a personal matter, respected by others, and protected by law.

In Islam, the very idea of a "choice" is not only an anathema but is also regarded as an anti-Islamic concept. Freedom of choice does not exist in Islam; neither is religion a private or personal matter. All decisions have already been made by Allah and his prophet Mohammed, so Muslims have no choice but to follow these divine regulations, as we see prescribed in Sura 33:36: "it is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever does obeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error."

…[explanation of a picture that I can't copy very well]…

In Islam, life and religion are so deeply intertwined and inseparable that if a Muslim discards his religion for another, it is regarded as the highest treason and punishable by death in Islamic law. This is the driving principle behind what I have termed the administrative challenge: the ability to control the Islamic population within the Islamic state and to prevent Muslims from being liberated from the resulting physical and spiritual oppression.

The myth of "no compulsion in religion"

When engaging Muslims and religious discussion, one usually hears that Islam is a religion of peace and there is "no compulsion in religion."This phrase, often quoted by Muslims when freedom of religion is discussed, is a convenient phrase but not the final word in the Qur'an by any means. The phrase "no compulsion in religion" comes from Sura 2:256, which gives the impression of complete freedom of choice for individuals within an Islamic state or community. Note that "no compulsion" in religion is even at first glance a negative form of freedom, meaning at its best that it tolerates but does not grant the right of freedom for an individual to choose his or her own religion.

If "no compulsion in religion" were to be practiced, then the preaching of the Gospel would not be criminalized in Islamic states. Yet people are regularly deported from Islamic countries for giving a Bible to a Muslim, for discussing Christianity within individuals, or in some cases even possessing a Bible of their own.

Even if one were to make a simple statement with no intention to offend, such as "Mohammed the Prophet of Islam was not holy" or "Islam is not the final religion," that would be regarded as blasphemous almost everywhere in the Islamic world. In Pakistan, for instance, one would be charged with blasphemy under Pakistan's Penal Code of 295A, B, and C with the penalty varying from minimum 10 years to life imprisonment, or even a death sentence.

If the "no compulsion in religion" of Sura 2:256 were to be practiced, then why does the Saudi penal code prescribe a death penalty to any Muslim within Saudi Arabia were he should change his religion? Almost anywhere in the Islamic world, a public statement of a Muslims conversion or discarding of Islam bears a heavy penalty of isolation, official persecution, imprisonment, and even death. As discussed elsewhere in this chapter, since conversion to a religion other than Islam is considered treason against the Islamic state, the execution is often done in public.

Consequently, depending on the "no compulsion" reference is wishful thinking at best and is in reality a moot point. This is because Sura 2:256, along with other similar versus Mohammed stated earlier in his preaching that proclaimed flexibility, has been abrogated and replaced by later revelations, according to Islamic jurisprudence and revered Qur'anic expositors. This replacement became termed in the Qur'an as a doctrine of abrogation. The definitive references are Sura 16:101 and Sura 2:106:

And when We change a Verse [of the Qur'an, i.e. cancel (abrogate) it's order] in place of another, and Allah knows the best of what he sends down, they (the disbelievers) say: "You (O Muhammad) are but a Muftari! (forger, liar)." Nay, but most of them know not.

Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one are similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?

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Part 5 of Islam

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Islam on the Move

There was a man who was speaking at Utah State University who made a statement several years back that Mormonism is "the American Islam." He drew a comparison between the claims of Muhammad and Joseph Smith, the Koran and the Book of Mormon.

During the question-and-answer time, he faced a number of very agitated Muslims. In fact, the Muslim interaction all but overshadowed the dialogue on Mormonism. The next day, the speaker at the University met with two Muslim leaders and began a series of contacts that forced him to take a deep look at Islam's history, its tenets of belief, and its comparisons to orthodox Christianity.

Today the 5 million plus Muslins in the United States add up to more than all the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Scientists combined. An extremely militant proselytizing program is under way in many major cities and in every state university you will visit. The Muslims are going to make the Mormon missionary effort look pale by comparison. As orthodox Christians, believers in the true Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ), we are going to have to be ready to deal with what may be the most aggressive attack on Christianity in its history. And it's coming quickly.

The Koran tells us that Muhammad drove the other idols away; his god was now the only god and he was its messenger. But he kept the Kaaba as a holy, sacred place. He obligated every believer to make a pilgrimage to the stone at least once in his lifetime (Sura 22:26-37).

Many people believe that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all just kissing cousins. In fact, many Christians teach that Allah is just another name for the biblical God whom we worship. This is absolutely incorrect! Let's review the basic tenets of Islam and judge it for ourselves.

The Six Beliefs of Islam

1. God: There is one true god, named Allah.
2. Angels: They are the servants of god, through whom he reveals his will. The greatest angel is Gabriel, who appeared to Muhammad. Everyone has two "recording angels"; one to record his good deeds, the other to record his bad deeds.
3. The Prophets: Allah has spoken through many prophets, but the final and greatest of these is Muhammad. Other prophets include Noah, Moses, and Jesus.
4. The Holy Books: The Koran or Quran is the holiest book of Islam, believed to be Allah's final revelation to man. It supercedes all previous revelations, including the Bible. It contains Allah's word as passed on orally to Muhammad by Gabriel. It contains 114 chapters or Suras. Muslims also recognize the Law of Moses, the Psalms, and the Gospels but consider them to be badly corrupted.
5. The Day of Judgment: A terrible day on which each person's good and bad deeds will be balanced to determine his fate.
6. The Decree of god: Allah ordains the fate of all. Muslims are fatalistic. "If Allah wills it" is the comment of a devout Muslim on almost every situation or decision he faces.

The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Affirmation (Shahada): "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger." This is recited constantly by devout Muslims.
2. Prayer (As-Salah): Muslims are required to pray five times a day, kneeling and facing Mecca.
3. Almsgiving (Zakah): A worthy Muslim must give 2.5 percent of his income to the poor.
4. The Fast (Siyam): Faithful Muslims fast from dawn to dusk every day during the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Ramadan, which is sacred.
5. The Pilgrimage (Al_Hajj): Muslims are expected to journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

Some have added a sixth Pillar of Faith to this list, know as The Holy War (Jihad). In the early years of Islam, and the intent today, is the spread of Islam by force. Islam regards itself as the universal religion. Jihad is viewed as service in the spread and defense of Islam. Today many Muslims who are schooled in Western values take Jihad figuratively to mean the spread of Islam through evangelism.

A Different Gospel

Islam teaches that God is so far above man in every way that He is virtually unknowable. He will send individuals to Paradise or Hell as he chooses.

Islam teaches that Jesus was a messenger of God, not the Son of God. Muslims deny that He is the Almighty God come in the flesh (incarnate). But the Bible says:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:1-4, 14).

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God. Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world (1 John 4:1-3).

Muslims deny that Jesus is divine. The Bible says:

In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form (Colossians 2:9).

Muslims deny that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. (Most believe that Judas died in his place.). They deny that He rose from the dead. The Bible says:

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28).

Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek (John 19:20).

Muslims deny that Jesus is the final, conclusive revelation of God. The Bible says:

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven (Hebrews 1:1-3).

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Part 4 of Islam


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Islam In Action ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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Well, enough of that now, I'm sure you get the picture. Now pressing on…….

Islamic Backgrounds

The culture of Muhammad's world was very animistic. Every Arab tribe had its sacred magic stones which they believe protected the tribe. Muhammad's particular tribe had adopted a black stone and had set it in the Kaaba. This magical black stone was kissed when people came on their pilgrimages and worshiped at the Kaaba. It was probably an asteroid or a meteorite which they viewed as being divine. All the nomadic tribes had one of their tribal deities resident in the Kaaba.

The dominant religion just prior to Muhammad was Sabianism, a religion in which heavenly bodies were worshiped. The moon was viewed as a male deity, and a lunar calendar was used. The pagan rite of fasting, (other than what's in God's Word), began with the appearance of the crescent moon. Fasting was later adopted as one of the five pillars of faith of Islam. Fasting in Ramadan, in the ninth month, already pre-existed in the Arab culture before Muhammad was even born. We also find it in our gospels, and as commanded by God on the day of Atonement in our own Bible.

What about the name "Allah"? Muslims claim that Allah is the same God as Christians worship, just under another name. Yet if you look at the history of it, it is very different. The term "Allah" is a purely Arabic term used in reference to an Arabian deity. In fact, Allah was known to pre-Islamic Arabs. He was one of the many deities that already existed in Mecca. The tribe into which Muhammad was born was particularly devoted to Allah, which was the moon good. It was represented by a black stone which was believed to have come down from heaven.

In Arabia the sun god was viewed as female, and the moon was viewed as the made god. In pre-Islamic times, Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun god, and together they produced three goddesses called The Daughters of Allah. They were viewed as being at the top of the pantheon of Arabian deities, those 360 idols in the Kaaba, at Mecca. When Muhammad took control of Mecca, he destroyed all the idols in the Kaaba except the stone deity, Allah. Do NOT ever accept Allah as just another name of the true and living God!

The symbol of the worship of the moon god, Allah, in pre-Islamic Arab culture throughout the Middle East was the crescent moon. Today the crescent moon is on every flag of an Islamic nation. Go to a mosque; what is on top of it? A crescent moon, the symbol of Allah. Yet many Muslims don't even know why it's there.

Background of Muhammad

Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was born in 570 A.D. and lived for 62 years, dying in 632. At the time he was born, Mecca was the center of trade and religious activity. Muhammad was a camel driver until the age of 25, when he met and married a lady who was 15 years his senior. She was 40 years old and wealthy.

For the next 15 years, Muhammad ran the family fruit business in Mecca. It wasn't until he was 40 years old that he claimed to receive revelations. He would go, as the seekers of truth would, up to a cave which was about three miles north of Mecca, to pray and meditate.

According to Muslim tradition, the angel Gabriel came to Muhammad. Actually there are four different statements of what happened (in the Koran) which contradict each other. The Muslims have chosen to say now that it was Gabriel, and they take this as a sign that Muhammad was a prophet to the Arabs.

After meditating there off and on for two years. Muslims say, Muhammad received revelations during which he would go into epileptic fits. (That is shat Muslims believe they were). He would shake, he would perspire, he would foam at the mouth. Whether they were epileptic or even demonic, he claimed he then received revelations from an angel of light.

What were the revelations? They were written down into what is know as the Koran (Qur'an), the Islamic holy book. However, they were not written down until years later because Muhammad himself was uneducated and probably did not even know how to write.

The main message that Muhammad was communicating was that there was no god but Allah, that he was the one true god who created everything. The second thing he taught was that man is God's slave, and it is his first duty to submit to God and to obey him. That's why you get the term "Islam." Islam means in Arabic, submission, and a Muslim is one who submits to the will of Allah. Muhammad said that the chief duty of man is to submit to the will of Allah.

Muhammad also said that a great and terrible day of judgment is coming in which God will raise up the dead to life and will judge them and reward them based upon their deeds. Those who are found worthy will be given a sensuous life in heaven, and those who do not make it will be condemned to hell.

The people of Mecca did not think too highly of this new prophet and his revelations. In fact they began to criticize and attack him. In 622 A.D. he fled to Medina, about 280 miles north of Mecca. This was the beginning of Islam.

In the Middle East, everything is based upon the time that Muhammad fled to Medina in 622 A.D. That is the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

It was in Medina that Muhammad first tried to get the Christians and Jews who were living there to follow him as "the prophet." He called himself a prophet and an apostle, although that term was not used in their culture. He used the term "prophet" to appeal to the Jews and "apostle" to appeal to the Christians.

He told them, interestingly, to pray to Jerusalem. When they did not accept Muhammad as a prophet or an apostle, he rejected them and told the other people to pray to Mecca, to Allah, his tribal deity. He then began to receive more revelations. It is very interesting to note what these revelations were. (They are found in the Koran.) He received revelations that he was to loot and steal from caravans that were passing through. There were many cases in which Muhammad and his followers would loot and rob caravans and then kill the men in order to satisfy his greed. In fact, the Koran and history report that he fought over 66 battles, killing tens of thousands of people.

In one of his revelations, Muhammad was told to kill and drive out all the Jews. One time he had 1,000 Jewish men brought together and had them all beheaded. Islam became known as the religion of the sword. In 628 A.D., Muhammad received a revelation that Islam was to be exalted above all other religions, including Christianity and Judaism.
In 629 Muhammad raised up an army of 10,000 men. He returned to Mecca, where he had been raised, and conquered it. By force, he imposed Islam o9n the rest of the Arabian tribes. Muhammad died in 632 A.D., having conquered much of the Arabian Peninsula. Islam then spread by the sword across North Africa, and today holds one-sixth or more of the world's population.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all the Readers!!

Posted: 27 Nov 2008 06:04 PM CST
I just wanted to thank everyone for continuing to read Islam and Action and helping to get the word out.
The best to you and your family...:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />

20,000 Muslims Attack a Church in Cairo

Posted: 27 Nov 2008 06:04 PM CST
It is one thing after another with the so called religion of peace. Today it was an attack on a Church in Egypt. As it was opening it was seized by a Muslim mob chanting that they will sacrifice themselves for Islam. They also took control of another building across the street from the Church to use as a Mosque. I guess that they have to get those prayers in before the next attack.

In the past I have seen Christian groups catering to Islam. Examples of this are one that assisted with the building of a Mosque. Another Christian charity banned Christian literature and any images of Jesus in gift boxes being sent abroad . The reason was the usual, they did not want to offend Muslims.
Until Christians are treated as equals across the Islamic world I urge all Christians to take a stand against Islam and stop catering to its followers in anyway. Respect is supposed to be a two way street.

20,000 Muslims Attack a Church in Cairo
One thousand Christians were today trapped inside the Coptic Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in West Ain Shams,Cairo, after more than twenty thousand Muslims attacked them with stones and butane gas cylinders. The Church's priest Father Antonious said that the situation is extremely dangerous.

The Muslim mob that attacked the church blocked both sides of the street and encircled the church building, broke its doors and demolished its entire first floor. The mob were chanting Jihad verses as well as slogans saying "we will demolish the church" and "We sacrifice our blood and souls, we sacrifice ourselves for you, Islam", while the entrapped Christians chanted "Lord have mercy".

The incident started on the occasion of the inauguration of the Church today, when the Muslims hastily established a Mosque in the early hours of this morning, by taking over the first floor of a newly-built building facing the Church and started praying there.

When the security forces tried to disperse the mob, they went to nearby homes and shops owned by Christians, and were armed with sticks, butane, knives and other sharp objects. Witnesses said the mob included children from as young as 8-years old to men of over 50-years old, in addition to women.

The Church building was originally a factory that was adapted into its present state, the matter which took over five years to complete and to get the necessary permissions from the authorities to have a Church established.

Human rights organizations and lawyers were refused entry into the besieged Church.
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part 3 of Islam

Brits to Change Name of Historic Building not to Offend Muslims

Posted: 22 Nov 2008 02:31 PM CST
It seems that each week the politically correct of the United Kingdom keep on finding new ways to bow down to Islam. (Thankfully not all Brits are pc)
This time they are planning on changing the name of an historic building which was called Saracen's Head out of fear of offending the Muslim community. The building has been owned by the Church since 1930 and in 2004 a Reverend Morris said that the name was offensive to Muslims. But what can you expect as numerous Church leaders from the UK have come out in support of the UK Sharia Courts.

Anger over plans to change name of Saracen's Head pub in Kings Norton Green
Nov 20 2008 by Catherine Lillington, Birmingham Mail
BIRMINGHAM Mail readers have spoken out against the decision to change the name of a historic city pub – accusing it of being "politically correct".

The home of the famous Saracen's Head, in Kings Norton Green, will become known as Saint Nicolas Place said its owners, at the nearby St Nicolas Church.

Angry letters fired off to the Mail said the church had no right to "wipe away 300 years of history" for fear of offending Muslims.

Ann Spooner, of Kings Norton, wrote: "To us it will always be the Saracen's Head."

The 18th-century former inn was originally built as a rich wool merchant's house in the 1400s and was given to the church in 1930. In 2004 it won £500,000 to help bring it back to its former glory in the BBC programme Restoration.

Cannon Rob Morris said the church consulted with its congregation of more than 300 and the Friends of Historic Kings Norton in reaching the controversial choice.

In 2004 the Birmingham Mail reported how the Very Rev Morris said the name was "offensive" to Muslims. But he said the reason behind the name-change was to stop people from mistaking the building – now a community centre and church office – for a pub. It was also to recognise the role of the church and its more than a million pounds' worth of investment.

Keith Carton, from Kings Norton, said: "When was the last time anyone can recall coachloads of lager louts turning up for a heavy session?"

Rod Murphy, from Northfield, said: "This barmy decision has nothing at all to do with people thinking the building is still a pub. The only people who use the building are locals and they know full well it is not a pub."

Rod was among many who felt the new name was prompted by a fear of offending Muslims.

He said: "This is the real reason that the name is being changed. How the misguided, deluded do-gooder Canon Rob Morris can be allowed to wipe away 300 years of history is beyond belief."

Mr Morris denied the charge adding the site would be home to the Saracen's Head Cafe.

He said: "I'm surprised at how many people have complained."
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Wyoming Prison Caves to Islam

Posted: 22 Nov 2008 10:17 AM CST
The ACLU has successfully gotten the Wyoming Department of Corrections to cater to the demands of its Muslim prisoners. Originally prisoners had to eat their meals within twenty minutes of delivery of that meal. This conflicted with the prayer times of the Muslims prisoners. So now Muslim prisoners are allowed to keep their meals in their cells until the next one is served, allowing them to stick with their prayer schedule. The prison is also installing special microwave ovens which prisoners are not allowed to put pork in. As pork is considered unclean according to the rules of Islam. What is next, moving the toilets to accommodate Islam, like the UK did?
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Minneapolis Muslim Blows Himself up in Somalia Attack

Posted: 25 Nov 2008 09:25 PM CST
Less than two weeks ago it was reported that there are thousands of Somalians here illegally. Today it comes out that a Minneapolis Somalian named Shirwa Ahmed went back to Somalia and blew himself up as a homicide bomber. While this man was here legally, it was also learned that Somalians are recruiting in Minneapolis for the jihad in Somalia. This can be done much easier if our government does not know who is here. Recently over a dozen young Somalians from the Minneapolis area have not been seen. It is believed that they have went back to Somalia to fight the Islamic holy war.
Video on the story

Virginia:Two Muslims Offer to Sell Missile to FBI Informant

Posted: 25 Nov 2008 07:03 PM CST
Two Muslim men from Virginia have been arrested in a FBI sting. They were caught trying to sell a missile that could reach the Pentagon. This comes from the same state where a Saudi school for children was busted preaching hatred towards non-Muslims. Virginia was also the home of the former Virginia Jihad Network.

Annandale man offers to sell missile to FBI informant
Fairfax County
By Gregg MacDonald
Source: Fairfax County Times

"You want to hit the Pentagon. You can put the bottle on it, the blue bottle, and hit the Pentagon."-- Amjad Hamed, as quoted in a U.S. District Court affidavit. Two Annandale men have been arrested in an FBI sting that uncovered visa fraud, gun smuggling and references to Lebanon, Yasir Arafat and bombing the Pentagon with a missile.
According to a recently unsealed U.S. District Court affidavit, an FBI informant met with Annandale resident Amjad Hamed, a Jordanian native, in April 2006.

Hamed provided the informant with six valid Palestinian passports and asked him to obtain U.S. visas for them.

According to the affidavit, Hamed revealed that he was part of an international visa fraud scheme. "I challenge anyone in the world who can bring so many passports without being inspected," he is quoted as saying.

Hamed is also quoted as saying he was a member of the Palestinian Authority who met regularly with Yasir Arafat.

Hamed's references to smuggling were also quoted in the affidavit. "Yes, I have connections to transport from America directly to the middle of Lebanon ... no one does anything through the airport ... the airport is hard. All the companies have to disclose their shipment. Do you know through what? ... via the port ... By the sea."

According to the affidavit, Hamed also sold the FBI informant an 8 mm semi-automatic handgun and a SKS sniper rifle on June 21, 2007.

During that transaction, Hamed is quoted as saying that he could obtain a missile that could reach the Pentagon. "You want to hit the Pentagon. You can put the bottle on it, the blue bottle, and hit the Pentagon," he is quoted as saying in the affidavit.

Hamed's cousin, Ibrahim Hamed, allegedly also sold the FBI informant an altered 9 mm handgun in August 2007, and offered to sell him other weapons that he said would come from a source in Florida.

According to the affidavit, Ibrahim Hamed said that his cousin did not have the connections to get the guns and the missile, but that he did.

Amjad Hamed is charged with conspiracy to commit visa fraud, and Ibrahim Hamed is charged with conspiracy to transport in interstate commerce a firearm with a serial number that was removed and obliterated.

Both men are being held without bond and will be sentenced on January 30.

"Some of the statements in the affidavit are overblown," said Attorney Gregory Stambaugh, who represents Ibrahim Hamed. "He said some things that probably didn't help him, but the charge against him is for the sale of a handgun. It's really a rather mundane case."
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Muslims Firebomb Church

Posted: 25 Nov 2008 02:09 PM CST
Most of the readers are probably thinking that this happened in the Middle East. But the hate of Islam is now across Europe as this was a Dutch Church. Is there a reason that we still allow Muslims to come into our countries?

Hat tip to Islam in Europe

Gouda:Church firebombed

Four teenagers of Moroccan origin were arrested Saturday evening for setting fire to the Vaste Burcht Reformed church in Gouda. A Molotov cocktail was thrown at the door of the church, according to the police. The bottom part of the door and the doormat were damaged.

The four Gouda residents, three aged 14 and one aged 15, are suspected of arson. The fire was reported at 5:45pm and the directions given by the reporter led to the residence of one of them, where three youth were arrested. The 15 year old suspect was arrested later that evening.

Three of the suspects spent the night in jail. They will appear in court Tuesday. A 14 year old was released after interrogation since there was no evidence of his involvement. The police is continuing with the investigation.

A spokesperson of the church said that there are often fights there but this is the first time a Molotov cocktail was thrown at them. The administrator of the church said that they had windows broken in in the past which they put down to street youth.

The parishioners were informed of the events and were told that the police and mayor are taking the case seriously.

Florida:Volunteers Needed To Counter CAIR's con

Posted: 24 Nov 2008 08:18 PM CST

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization that was just hit with racketeering charges yesterday is taking a page out the playbook of the Islamic Circle of North America . They are going to be using the Florida mass transit bus system to proselytize Islam to our fellow countrymen. The ICNA used the NYC subway cars to do the same back in September.
I had made up fliers to counter their campaign and they can easily be printed up to counter this Islamic ad campaign also. There will be two press conferences held on Tuesday November 25Th to announce this campaign. The addresses are listed below.

Islam the Ugly Truth

Ramadan the Month of Imposition

S. Florida Muslims to Launch Bus Ad Campaign on Islam

Last update: 4:41 p.m. EST Nov. 24, 2008
MIAMI, Nov 24, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- On Tuesday, November 25, South Florida Islamic and interfaith leaders will hold two news conferences to launch an educational outreach project designed to dispel common misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.

Starting November 25, and continuing for eight weeks, the Dade and Broward County transit systems will display large, colorful banners about Islam on the sides of 120 buses. The project, called the "Bus Ad Campaign," is designed to invite Floridians of all faiths to call 1-888-ISLAM-55 or to log on to the website to find the accurate and objective information about Islam and Muslims.
A bus with the display will be present at both press conferences.

1st Press Conference:
WHAT: News Conference to Launch Bus Ad Campaign on Islam
WHEN: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 11 a.m.
WHERE: 2775 SW 74th Avenue, Miami, FL

2nd Press Conference:
WHAT: News Conference to Launch Bus Ad Campaign on Islam
WHEN: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 4 p.m.
WHERE: 4305 NW 183rd Street, Miami, FL
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Holy Land Charity Guilty on 108 Counts!!

Posted: 24 Nov 2008 05:06 PM CST
Over a year after escaping the first trial because of a declared mistrial the Holy Land Foundation was finally found guilty of 108 counts of funneling money to the Hamas terrorist organization in Palestine.

Charity convicted of financing terrorism

November 24, 2008
Associated Press
DALLAS — A Muslim charity and five of its former leaders were convicted Monday of funneling millions of dollars to the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the retrial of the largest terrorism financing case since the attacks of Sept. 11.

U.S. District Judge Jorge A. Solis announced the 108 guilty verdicts on the eighth day of deliberations in the retrial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, once the nation's largest Muslim charity.

Relatives of the former leaders sobbed after the defendants were found guilty of all counts, and one crying woman screamed in the courtroom, "My dad is not a criminal!"

Holy Land was accused of giving more than $12 million to support Hamas. The seven-week retrial ran about as long as the original, which ended in October 2007 when a judge declared a mistrial on most charges.

Holy Land wasn't accused of violence. Rather, the government said the Richardson, Texas-based charity financed schools, hospitals and social welfare programs controlled by Hamas in areas ravaged by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The U.S. designated Hamas a terrorist organization in 1995 and again in 1997, making contributions to the group illegal.

Prosecutors labeled Holy Land's benefactors — called zakat committees — as terrorist recruiting pools. The charities, the government argued, spread Hamas' violent ideology and generated loyalty and support among Palestinians.

It was a "womb to the tomb" cycle, prosecutor Barry Jonas told jurors during closing arguments last week.

Holy Land supporters told a different story. They accused the government of politicizing the case as part of its war on terrorism, while attorneys for the foundation said Holy Land's mission was philanthropy and providing much-needed aid to the Middle East.

They reminded jurors that none of the zakat committees are designated by the U.S. as terrorist fronts, and that Holy Land also donated to causes elsewhere, including helping victims of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

"No one here is engaging in acts of terrorism," Theresa Duncan, attorney for former Holy Land chief executive Shukri Abu Baker, said during closing arguments.

Government officials raided Holy Land's headquarters in December 2001 and shut it down. President George W. Bush even personally announced the seizure of Holy Land's assets, calling the action "another step in the war on terrorism."

A chaotic courtroom scene ended last year's original trial, which lasted nearly two months and kept jurors deliberating for 19 days. But they deadlocked on many counts, and when a judge polled the panel about other verdicts, some disavowed their vote.

The confusing finish led U.S. District Judge A. Joe Fish to declare a mistrial, and leaders of the defunct charity rushed outside to celebrate.

Observers last year panned the government for presenting a bloated case too complicated for jurors to follow. Prosecutors responded this year by dropping nearly 60 charges in the trial and tightening their narrative to jurors, even offering a kind of road map to help the panel follow the money.

But nearly 15 boxes of evidence wheeled into court on a flatbed still impressed the size of the case, as did the more than one hour that Solis needed to read aloud the indictment.

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Chaos in Egypt as Coptics try to Build a Church

Posted: 24 Nov 2008 04:11 PM CST
The persecution of the Coptic Christian community in our so called ally Egypt has been going on for centuries and continues today. Them not being allowed to build or repair Churches is a common event in Egypt.

(ANSAmed) - CAIRO, NOVEMBER 24 - Eight civilians and four policemen have been hurt, two cars have been set ablaze and an unknown number of arrests have been made during fighting in Matareya, a working-class area east of Cairo. The fighting was between police and Muslims who were protesting over the rumoured destruction of a half-complete building in order to build a Coptic church in its place. The skirmish took place yesterday evening, after evening prayers. At the exit of a mosque in the area, belonging to the Confraternity of Muslim Brothers, Mohamed Yussef Abu Hussein incited those present to protest against the construction of a church on soil that is not owned by Christians. Police troops gathered on the scene and arrested several people, unleashing a violent reaction from the people which eventually culminated in a full blown skirmish. Since the early hours of the morning the whole area has been watched over by security forces, but there have been no signs of gathering crowds. (ANSAmed).
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More on Islam

Religion and Philosophy

Islamic Practice

Other cultural things that Muhammad took from the culture around him include praying five times a day while facing Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This reminds the Muslim five times a day that he must bow in obedience to Arabia.

A Muslim is also required, often in the face of great hardship and great cost, to go on a pilgrimage to Arabia at least once in his life to worship at the Kaaba in Mecca. Historical evidence is clear in showing that Muhammad adopted the pagan religious rite of a pilgrimage to Mecca, which was already being widely practiced long before Muhammad was even born.

Muhammad, in order to appease the merchants of Mecca (who made tremendous amounts of money by people coming there on pilgrimages), put this requirement into Islam as part of his religion. For financial and cultural reasons Islam adopted this pagan practice, which must be fulfilled even by the poorest Muslims as one of their five pillars of faith.

One of the most demeaning practices of Islam is its barbaric treatment of women. Women are considered property in the fundamental sects of Islam. They are not allowed to have ownership of any kind of property. Approximately 75 percent of Muslim women suffer female circumcision in a most barbaric, painful ritual designed to make them obedient and docile. They are dressed from head to toe in cloths that cover all but the eyes, and often even these are covered by a veil.

It is interesting that what an illiterate nomadic tribesman wore in the desert in seventh-century Arabia is still mandated as the dress code for Muslim women today! It is a clear denial of civil rights to women and is reflective on the Islamic Arabian culture and its low view of women.

You might remember what took place during the Gulf War. On March 10, 1991, The New York Times Magazine reported the following incident about women's rights in Saudi Arabia.

The crisis in the Gulf spawned a much-publicized demonstration by women who dumped their chauffeurs and drove in convoy, defying a ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia. The incident promoted a vicious campaign acquiescence. The religious police patrolled the street and shopping malls, telling women to cover their faces and the young men to pray.

The government punished the demonstrating women as severely as it would any public protester. The women as well as their husbands were forbidden to leave the kingdom. They were forbidden to speak with foreign reporters or to discuss their situation with an outsider. They were warned of further reprisals if they attempted to drive again and stage another demonstration.

But the government's treatment of these women was mild compared to their treatment by the Islamic religious establishment. The fundamentalist sheiks denounced them from one of the kingdom's most powerful political platforms, the Mosque Opus.

In the Friday services after the demonstration, the women were branded as "red Communists, dirty American secularists, whores and prostitutes, fallen women and advocators of vice." Their names, occupations, addresses, and phone numbers were distributed in leaflets at the mosques and other public places. One leaflet accused them of having denounced Islam, an office punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. And these women were all educated Ph.D.'s, most of them teachers at the University. Some were medical doctors. Yet they were threatened with death because they had gotten into cars and driven them. Several of the women remained unrepentant, convinced that eventually the issue of their status would be addressed. And in November of 2008 this:
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Islam In Action

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US, Australia, and the UK:Islamic Leaders Calling for Sharia law

Posted: 20 Nov 2008 06:43 PM CST
As time goes on more and more Islamic leaders are not hiding their agenda and are calling for Islamic law. Let us examine three cases of this. The first taking place
in the US. He is a Phoenix Imam who is calling for Muslims not to follow the laws of the US government, but instead follow those of Sharia or Islamic law . Here is what Omar Shahin, president of the North American Imams Foundation has said.

"A Muslim must try his best to abide by the rulings of Sharia [Islamic law] whenever possible as much as he can. He should not allow himself to be liable to those western laws that contradict the clear-cut Islamic rulings".

Islamic laws include stonings for adultery and the extortion of non-Muslims. (Koran verse 9 29) If you ask me, it sounds like those laws and ours cannot coexist within the same country.

The next case is coming from Australia where in the past Muslim students petitioned the universities there to change every ones class schedule times to accommodate the pray times of Muslims. A recently released report shows that some Islamic leaders in OZ are condoning rape within a marriage (Koran verse 2 223), domestic violence (Koran verse 4 34),
polygamy, (Koran verse 4 003), welfare fraud (not part of Islamic law) and the exploitation of women. (Koran verse 4 11).
The third case in is an Imam in the UK, who preaches at Britain's best known Mosque. Abu Zahra declared: "Male and female thief – amputate their hands. Those who kill – their life is not secure." And he slammed unmarried sex, saying: "Lash them". In the UK Muslims who are calling for sharia are well on their way, as some aspects of sharia are being allowed in a string of UK Sharia Courts.

Isn't time that our governments start fighting back? There are a few things that should be happening here. The first is that sharia law should be made illegal, as US Congressman Tom Tancredo has stated. Secondly those that call for sharia should be charged with treason and finally we need to put an end to all Muslim immigration including student visas. As this problem will only get worse and worse as more of them come here...:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />

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Muslim Woman who Played the Victim Card~Pleads Not Guilty

Posted: 20 Nov 2008 01:34 PM CST
This is an update to this story.

Muslim student pleads not guilty in reporting Elmhurst College attack
Officials say woman made up story about assault, anti-Islamic slurs
Tribune staff report

A Muslim student who allegedly made a false claim that a masked man attacked her after he wrote anti- Islamic slurs in a women's restroom at Elmhurst College pleaded not guilty Monday to a charge of disorderly conduct. Safia Jilani, 19, made no public comment.

Outside the DuPage County courtroom, her attorney, Terry Ekl, said "she is in treatment, and I hope the public wouldn't judge her until all the facts are known."

He declined to specify the type of treatment.
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Islam In Action

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Pope Questions Interfaith Dialogue

Posted: 23 Nov 2008 05:49 PM CST
While Pope Benedict XVI will continue to show the world that he tried by having more interfaith talks, it appears that he knows that nothing will result from them. He sees that these conferences are full of empty talk by Muslims, as nothing actually gets any better for the Christians and Jews living in Islamic countries.

Pope Questions Interfaith Dialogue
Published: November 23, 2008
ROME — In comments that could have broad implications in a period of intense inter-religious conflict, Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday cast doubt on the possibility of interfaith dialogue but called for more discussion of the practical consequences of religious differences.

The pope's comments were from a letter he wrote to Marcello Pera, an Italian center-right politician and scholar whose forthcoming book, "Why We Must Call Ourselves Christian," argues that Europe should stay true to its liberal, Christian roots. A central theme of Benedict's papacy has been to focus attention on the Christian roots of an increasingly secular Europe.

In comments from the letter that appeared on Sunday in Corriere della Sera, Italy's leading daily, the pope said the book "explained with great clarity" that "an inter-religious dialogue in the strict sense of the word is not possible." In theological terms, he added, "a true dialogue is not possible without putting one's faith in parentheses."

But Benedict added that "intercultural dialogue which deepens the cultural consequences of basic religious ideas" was important. He called for confronting "in a public forum the cultural consequences of basic religious decisions."

The Vatican spokesman, Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the pope's comments seemed intended to draw interest for Mr. Pera's book, not to cast doubt on the Vatican's many continuing inter-religious dialogues.

"He has a papacy known for religious dialogue, he went to a mosque, he's been to synagogues," Rev. Lombardi said. "This means that he thinks we can meet and talk to the others and have a positive relationship."

Instead, the pope's remarks seemed aimed at pushing some more theoretical inter-religious conversations into the practical realm.

"He's trying to get the Catholic-Islamic dialogue out of the clouds of theory and down to brass tacks: how can we know the truth about how we ought to live together justly, despite basic credal differences?" said George Weigel, a Catholic scholar and biographer of Pope John Paul II.

This month, the Vatican hosted a conference with Muslim religious leaders and scholars aimed at improving ties that had been strained in 2006, when some Muslims were offended when the pope quoted a Byzantine emperor criticizing the Prophet Muhammad.

The conference participants agreed to condemn terrorism and protect religious freedom, but they did not address issues of conversion and of the rights of Christians to worship in majority Muslim countries.

The Church is also engaged in dialogue with Muslims organized by the King of Saudi Arabia, a country where non-Muslims are forbidden from worshipping in public.
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UAC Launches Anti-Sharia Billboard

Posted: 23 Nov 2008 06:26 PM CST
The United American Committee has just launched a forty-eight foot long anti-Sharia billboard on the Detroit-Toledo highway. The UAC is a bi-partisan group aimed at fighting Islamofascism across the globe. They are lead by Jesse Petrilla and have chapters across America and Canada. Great work guys!!

UK:Muslims to be Offered Sharia Pensions

Posted: 23 Nov 2008 02:51 PM CST
Yesterday I said that it seems that every week the politically correct Brits are going out of their way to cater to Muslims when they agreed to change the name of an historic building because the Church thought that the name was offensive to Muslims. Today it gets worse as the UK is going to be offering sharia compliant pensions to Muslims because they might not have enough money saved to retire on. The country already has sharia compliant baby bonds. The Kingdom needs to look for reasons to get Muslims to leave and not stay there until they get old. If our British friends want to win this war and save their country, they need to make all aspects of sharia law illegal in order to stop the financial companies from catering to Islam. Please take some advice from US Congressman Tom Tancredo.

Muslims to be offered Sharia-compliant pensions by Government
Muslims are to be offered Sharia-compliant pension funds by a new Government body.

By Martin Beckford, Social Affairs Correspondent
Last Updated: 3:35PM GMT 21 Nov 2008
The scheme to provide retirement funds for millions who do not already have a company pension is likely to include a special option that would not invest in companies deemed sinful under Islam.

Ministers are keen to get Muslims saving with the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority, as many who have low-paid jobs or who have moved to Britain in recent decades are unlikely to have put away much for their old age.

The decision to provide a Sharia-compliant pension fund is another sign of the growing influence of Islamic law in British public life and in particular the country's finance industry.

The prospect of some aspects of Sharia law such as divorce proceedings and dispute resolution being enshrined in the English legal system – raised by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chief Justice this year – remains highly controversial because of fears that the system discriminates against women and that a two-tier approach would be divisive.

But more and more financial products are being tailored to cater for Britain's population of 2 million Muslims.

The religion's holy book, the Qu'ran, forbids Muslims from making money from money, so they cannot use products that involve the charging of interest nor invest in traditional financial services firms.

Gambling, drinking and pornography are also seen as immoral under Islam, so Muslims cannot put their money into companies that promote these activities.
The Islamic finance market is estimated to be worth £500 million already and is growing rapidly.

Families can already get Sharia-compliant baby bonds under the Government's Child Trust Fund scheme while the UK is likely to become the first Western country to issue Islamic bonds in order to raise money from the Middle East.

This year has also seen the launch of Britain's first Islamic insurance company and pre-paid MasterCard. There are a handful of wholly Islamic banks in the country and several more that offer alternatives to mortgages which do not involve the charging of interest.

When the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority launches in 2012, as many as 10 million people who do not have a decent occupational pension will become automatically enrolled and made to save a minimum of 4 per cent of their earnings a year, matched by a 3 per cent contribution from their employer and 1 per cent tax relief from the Government.

Savers will be able to choose from a range of funds into which their money will be invested, with one option likely to be Sharia-compliant.

A spokesman for the authority said: "In early 2009 we will be consulting on the potential approach to investment. Issues that we envisage incorporating into the consultation document include the overarching investment objective, the default strategy and lifestyling of funds and fund choices beyond the default strategy.
"This will include the appropriateness of making available religion compliant funds (e.g. Sharia) and funds focusing on social, environmental and ethical issues."
Its plan was backed this week by a report by the Pensions Policy Institute and the Equality and Human Rights Commission on how to improve the lot of Britain's "under-pensioned", such as disabled people, women and ethnic minorities, who in many cases have not worked long enough to be entitled to a full state pension of £90.70 a week when they retire.

The study said: "The inclusion of a Sharia-compliant investment choice might be important to encourage participation among some ethnic minority groups."

Douglas Murray, director of the Centre for Social Cohesion think tank, said the Government should not be creating parallel financial or legal systems for different groups in Britain.
He said: "It's a great mistake for the Government to think this is desirable or even necessary."
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UK:Muslim Illegals Caught in Pork Delivery Truck

Posted: 23 Nov 2008 12:37 PM CST
This story just cracked me up. We see Muslims complaining that they cannot eat or handle pork but these Muslims must of forgotten that part of Islam as they tried to get smuggled into the UK in a lorry full of pork products. I wonder if they got hungry and ate any?

Thanks to Joan of the UK.

By Vincent Moss Political Editor,
Five Iraqi Muslims whose religion forbids them from contact with pork were caught trying to sneak illegally into Britain - in a lorry load of ham.

Uk Border Agency officers searched the truck and found the gang hiding inside among tons of the meat.

The Polish-registered lorry, bound for Haverhill in Suffolk, was stopped at the French port of Calais.
The five were detained and handed to the French immigration authorities.

The attempt, last Wednesday, was all the more bizarre because Muslims are banned from eating or touching ham.
A uk Border Agency spokeswoman said: "We use heartbeat and breath detectors, sniffer dogs and visual searches to find illegal immigrants. A million lorries were searched last year"

Dog Reponds to the Islamic Call to Prayers

Posted: 23 Nov 2008 11:42 AM CST

Lets lighten the day with a funny story from the Islamic world. The video below shows this beautiful German Shepard in Palestine who responds after each line of the call to prayers or adhan, (article 4) is sung. I wonder if he is a Muslim or he is anti-Islamic and is sick of hearing the daily calls?

Hat tip to Joan.

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False Doctrine is On the Rise.

I have had an experience that sort of blew me away. I belonged to a church in which I was happy. I was teaching God's Word to the children in Sunday School, I was doing ministry things in another office next door to the church. I was entirely blown away when the pastor of the church I was attending said we were going to have a Christmas Eve service,and then he cancelled it, with the excuse that he didn't want to serve Holy Communion to those who were fasting. Then he got somebody else to do the preaching for a while, as he had dental work done, and was not feeling well. What stumbled me immensely was that he kicked out someone who disagreed with the preaching of this man he had gotten to take his place without really trying to understand the situation. Both this person and myself left the church and joined one where we are more comfortable, but I still can't understand it. This pastor was kicked out the same way from another church, and he went and started his own church.
It is from this experience that I have made up my mind to not go to the non denominational churches anymore, because I think that label is false. Denomination means division, and if they are so narrow minded that they kick people out, then they are divided. They should call themselves an denomination.

Some info on Islam, stay tuned for more.

Religion and Philosophy


We will now examine Islam – what Muslims teach and believe – and how it differs from Christianity. I hope that this will help to equip you to share the claims of Jesus Christ in a loving and compassionate way with the Muslim. We know that Muslims will be reading these words as well as Christians, as we share these blogs, and we want to address those readers for just a moment.

If you are a Muslim, we want you to know that we appreciate you taking the time to see why your faith is a false teaching. There may be some things you will read with which you are in strong disagreement, but we cannot avoid that.

Please understand that in a Western country, where the freedom of religion and freedom of speech are constitutional guarantees, we have the freedom to discuss, consider, and think about religious issues. We have the freedom to say what we want and write what we want. That freedom to think and act for ourselves is vitally important, and is a major difference between our culture and faith and that of Islam.

Dr. Ron Carlson, president of Christian Ministries International, a graduate of Bethel College and Theological Seminary, has spoken in 75 countries and is recognized as one of the foremost lecturers on the non-Christian cults and Christian apologetics. He knows what he is talking about in this matter. He shares not only from his academic studies (simply from books or theory), but from very practical life experiences as well. Ron studied and lived in the Middle East. He studied Middle Eastern history, archaeology, and Arabic beliefs. He lived and worked in Beirut, Lebanon, and in Palestine, and traveled through many more Muslim countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Lybia, and Egypt.

As a Christian, Ron has spoken in probably every high school (as well as the American University) in Beirut, Lebanon. He has lectured in the Muslim countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

He has traveled and lectured throughout the Philippines, where the Muslim faith is visible everywhere, and has dialogued the points of this subject with Muslim religious leaders. Thus what is shared herewith is not simply from theoretical book knowledge but from a very live working knowledge of what Islam is in its practical and real sense.

Where the Muslims Are

Islam is a rapidly growing religion, both spiritually and geographically. Today there are over 850 million Muslims worldwide. They make up about one-sixth or more of the worlds population. As of the year, 2000 there were reportedly one billion Muslims in the world. And as of the year, 2000 Islam dominated 52 countries of the world. It's now 2008, and I only have the stats up to the year 2000.

With that out of the way, when most people think about Muslims, they immediately think of the Middle East or North Africa, but in fact only 20 percent of the worlds Muslims live in those two areas; most of them live in other countries. The largest Muslim country is Indonesia, with 154 million Muslims. The total Arab world, including all of the Middle East and North Africa, has about 144 million Muslims. Bangladesh has 90 million and Pakistan another 90 million. India has about 70 million Muslims, approximately 11 percent of its population.

To the surprise of many people, there is also a large Muslim population in China. In fact, nearly 63 million Muslims live in China. The whole southern tier of the former Soviet Union along the border with Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and Iraq (and all across to Turkey), is home for more than 41 million Muslims. In Turkey there are about 46 million and in Iran about 40 million.

As of the year, 2000 Islam was the second-largest religion in Europe, and it may be now the largest in 2008. In Great Britain there are over 1 ½ million Muslims, with some 1500 mosques. Thirty years ago (1970) in the United States, Islam was virtually nonexistent. But because of heavy immigration from Muslim countries, with many Muslims fleeing the oppression of the Islamic states and seeking freedom in the United States, among other things, as of the year 2000 there was a Muslim population of about 5 million in our country. I have no idea of the exact number now in 2008.

God gave us a Great Commission: to go into all the world and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. But, sad to say, we have not carried that Great Commission as we should have into the Muslim world. Only 2 percent of North American missionaries have been involved in Muslim ministries (based on the year 2000 calculations). We have approximately one Christian missionary for every million Muslims! In the twenty-first century Islam represents the single greatest challenge to Christianity. No matter how peaceful many Muslims are, their core doctrine allows for no other faith to exist peacefully along side the.

Understanding Islam

To understand Islam, perhaps the key factor is to realize that Islam must be studied in the religious and cultural context of seventh-century Arabia.

In his excellent book Islamic Invasion, Dr. Robert Morey says that what Muhammad did was to raise the seventh-century culture in which he was born to the status of divine law. In fact, Islam is the deification of the seventh-century Arabian culture. Unless you understand the historical context of when and where Muhammad was born, you will never understand Islam.

Dr. Arthur Arberry, the head of Mideastern Studies at Cambridge University (and one of the great Arabic scholars), said this:

Islam is a peculiarly Arabian religion because Islam is a religion and culture, and as a religion and culture they are one. It must be understood in terms of its essential identification with seventh-century culture.

Islam imposes its seventh-century Arabian culture in its political expression, in its family affairs, in its dietary laws, in its clothing, in its religious rites, and in its language. Muslims are religiously compelled to impose seventh-century Arab culture on the rest of the cultures in the world.

Muhammad took the political laws which governed seventh-century Arabian tribes and literally made them the laws of Allah, their god. In such tribes, the sheik or chief of the nomadic tribes had absolute authority. There was no concept of civil or personal rights in seventh-century Arabia. This is why Islamic countries are inevitably ruled by dictators or strong men who rule as despots. There are 21 Arab nations today (as of the year 2000), not one of them is a democracy. Democracy cannot flourish in Islam.

The more Islamic fundamentalism gains dominance, the more a nation is plunged into the dark ages of the seventh-century Arabia. Iran is a good example of this. The despots today of Libya, Iran, Iraq, Syria, the Sudan, and Yemen are merely examples of such Arabian tyranny grafted into modern times.

Because there was no concept of personal freedom or civil rights in the tribal life of seventh-century Arabia, Islamic law today does not recognize freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, or freedom of the press. This is why non-Muslims (such as Christians) are routinely denied the most basic of human rights and are often physically attacked, jailed or murdered.

Islam in Action

According to a Washington Post story on January 3, 1993, crowds of Muslims, reacting to what they regarded as proselytizing by Christians, attacked or burned several Christian churches or homes on the islands of Java and Sumatra. In the biggest reported incident, more than 10,000 Muslims apparently well-organized, tore down and burned the home of a Christian preacher outside Perusia, a town in East Java, to protest tracts that he was distributing. The mob wrecked two nearby Protestant churches that were unconnected to the preacher. The head of Indonesia's largest Islamic organization says that at least 30 attacks on churches or other Christian property were reported in the previous three months.

The Associated Press reported this on February 8, 1993:

Western human rights groups say that a quick mobilization by their international networks may have saved the lives to two Christian Philippine leaders imprisoned in Saudi Arabia.

Reliable sources within the human rights community reported that two lay pastors scheduled to be executed on Christmas Day by the government of Saudia Arabia were arrested in October and charged with violating kingdom law by preaching Christianity. The two had apparently been in hiding since January, when a Christian service they led in a private home was raided by Saudi religious police. Reports of the scheduled execution prompted a flurry of international inquiries and protests, including a harshly worded appeal to King Faud from Philippine president Fidel Ramos.

With those things happening 15 years ago, and from what we see and hear on our television networks and over the internet now, things are much, much worse, and will not be getting any better. And these efforts were futile. The two pastors were beheaded in Saudi Arabia because they dared to hold a Christian Bible study! And this is the same country where Christians by the tens of thousands had just stood in defense in 1993, of its soil against attacks from Iraq, if you remember!

There is NO FREEDOM of religion in Saudi Arabia. In fact, one of the biggest tragedies of the Gulf War was that when we went our men over there to save that country of Saudi Arabia, our Christian chaplains weren't even allowed to wear their little crosses on their lapels. The government of Saudi Arabia said they were not allowed to hold Christian chapel services for our soldiers who were protecting their country. Service personnel were advised to leave their Bibles at home. This was because Islamic law forbids any presence or mention of Christianity. The same things are happening now in Iraq and abroad in 2008.

The Washington Post of January 13, 1993, carried this story:

Sudan's radical Islam regime is not just waging a genocidal war in the South against Christians, it is also part of a larger Islamic push. It made itself a training ground for Islamic terrorists to overthrow Egypt's pro-Western Regime. For months now, Islamic terrorists have been going around and randomly shooting foreign tourists in an attempt to kill the major foreign currency earner of a desperately poor country so that they might be turned back to the Islamic laws.

How about these headlines today:

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Islamic Practice

Other cultural things that Muhammad took from the culture around him include praying five times a day while facing Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This reminds the Muslim five times a day that he must bow in obedience to Arabia.

A Muslim is also required, often in the face of great hardship and great cost, to go on a pilgrimage to Arabia at least once in his life to worship at the Kaaba in Mecca. Historical evidence is clear in showing that Muhammad adopted the pagan religious rite of a pilgrimage to Mecca, which was already being widely practiced long before Muhammad was even born.

Muhammad, in order to appease the merchants of Mecca (who made tremendous amounts of money by people coming there on pilgrimages), put this requirement into Islam as part of his religion. For financial and cultural reasons Islam adopted this pagan practice, which must be fulfilled even by the poorest Muslims as one of their five pillars of faith.

One of the most demeaning practices of Islam is its barbaric treatment of women. Women are considered property in the fundamental sects of Islam. They are not allowed to have ownership of any kind of property. Approximately 75 percent of Muslim women suffer female circumcision in a most barbaric, painful ritual designed to make them obedient and docile. They are dressed from head to toe in cloths that cover all but the eyes, and often even these are covered by a veil.

It is interesting that what an illiterate nomadic tribesman wore in the desert in seventh-century Arabia is still mandated as the dress code for Muslim women today! It is a clear denial of civil rights to women and is reflective on the Islamic Arabian culture and its low view of women.

You might remember what took place during the Gulf War. On March 10, 1991, The New York Times Magazine reported the following incident about women's rights in Saudi Arabia.

The crisis in the Gulf spawned a much-publicized demonstration by women who dumped their chauffeurs and drove in convoy, defying a ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia. The incident promoted a vicious campaign acquiescence. The religious police patrolled the street and shopping malls, telling women to cover their faces and the young men to pray.

The government punished the demonstrating women as severely as it would any public protester. The women as well as their husbands were forbidden to leave the kingdom. They were forbidden to speak with foreign reporters or to discuss their situation with an outsider. They were warned of further reprisals if they attempted to drive again and stage another demonstration.

But the government's treatment of these women was mild compared to their treatment by the Islamic religious establishment. The fundamentalist sheiks denounced them from one of the kingdom's most powerful political platforms, the Mosque Opus.
In the Friday services after the demonstration, the women were branded as "red Communists, dirty American secularists, whores and prostitutes, fallen women and advocators of vice." Their names, occupations, addresses, and phone numbers were distributed in leaflets at the mosques and other public places. One leaflet accused them of having denounced Islam, an office punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. And these women were all educated Ph.D.'s, most of them teachers at the University. Some were medical doctors. Yet they were threatened with death because they had gotten into cars and driven them. Several of the women remained unrepentant, convinced that eventually the issue of their status would be addressed. ..TABLE> ..TABLE>

6:24 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment -

Mumbai, Coming to a Town Near you

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 11:02 PM CST

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As the world watches the horrors of the Islamic terrorist attacks in Mumbai India, other Islamists are training to carry out the same kind of operation and it could easily happen here in America, Canada, or Europe.

Most recently in March of this year, about 20 male Muslims where seen shooting handguns, assault rifles and a sniper rifle off of a dirt road in Phoenix. Some left before the police arrived, but six were arrested and charged with felony weapons charges. It is said that they fired off between 500 to 1,000 rounds. Those captured claimed that it was all just for fun.

The game of paintball is even being used to train for jihad right in our own backyard. Between 2005 and 2006 17 Muslims in Canada who were arrested for plotting terrorist attacks against Canada used paintball to train. One of the London bombers was a player and in Virginia 11 American Muslims were convicted of using plotting attacks against our troops abroad. They also trained by playing paintball.

In 2006 it was reported that a Muslim encampment in upstate NY called Islamberg was being used for military training as nearly every weekend automatic gunfire can be heard along with the occasional small explosion. Neighbours are not welcomed on the camp with open arms as strangers are not allowed in.

I have spoken to several people in law enforcement and they say that this is their biggest fear. That terrorists will just open fire in crowded areas in America as this is their easiest opening to attack us. Unfortunately the terrorists of Mumbai have figured this out.

Iranian Court:Burn his Eyes out With Acid

Posted: 27 Nov 2008 11:52 PM CST

The sharia loving Iranian courts are going to punish a man in the same manner that he punished a young woman who would not marry him. He blinded her with acid and he will be getting the same treatment back. In Arabic this is known as "qisas" It is the act of retaliation.

Iran orders man blinded for acid attack - report
Date : November 27, 2008

TEHRAN, Nov 27 (Reuters) - A man who blinded a woman with
acid after she spurned his marriage proposals will also be
blinded with acid under Iran's Islamic law, a newspaper said on

An Iranian court made the ruling on Wednesday based on the
system of "qisas" or fair retribution, Etemad-e Melli reported.

The man identified as Majid proposed several times but was
spurned by the woman, identified as Ameneh, the daily reported.
In revenge, he threw acid in her face as she left her work in
2004, it added.

She travelled to Spain for surgery to reconstruct her face
but efforts to restore her sight failed. On return from Spain,
she asked the court for retribution, the newspaper said.

"Ever since I was subject to acid being thrown on my face, I
have a constant feeling of being in danger," she said, adding
that Majid had also threatened to kill her in the past.

The newspaper published pictures of Ameneh's face before the
attack and, still disfigured, after reconstructive surgery.

Majid was quoted as saying he did not regret his action but
added: "I threw acid on her face so that she would be mine
forever ... I did not know that acid could have such an effect
on her face."

At the end of the court session, the judges "unanimously
decided to sentence the accused to 'qisas' of his body part,
blinding by acid" and to pay compensation, the report said.

Judiciary officials could not be reached for comment.

The concept of "qisas" also holds in other cases in Iran,
such as murder. A victim's family can demand the death of a
convicted murderer or commute the sentence in return for
financial compensation from the culprit.

The newspaper did not give details about how or when the
sentence would be carried out. Court rulings can be appealed.
(Reporting by Hashem Kalantari; writing by Edmund Blair;
editing by Philippa Fletcher)

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