Sunday, November 30, 2008

Part 7, the final part of Islam

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November 29, 2008 - Saturday

Islam - Part 7 of 7
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Furthermore, according to Islamic jurisprudence and Sharia, with the unanimous agreement of all scholars, "no compulsion in religion" simply means that all Arabs, Jews, Christians, nonbelievers, and pagans have the freedom to convert to Islam, but not the other way around. In other words, it is a one-way freedom.

The doctrine of allegiance and immunity

Mohammed's authority involved as well. Alongside revelations of Islam being "the religion of Allah," Mohammed claimed his own supremacy as the apostle of Allah, and he consequently taught that all prophets, apostles, or messengers who came before him were simply for runners who were now replaced. Since he was now the sole authority, all other systems politically were invalid, based on the divine doctrines as expressed in the corner and this is a. This religious political doctrine is known as the doctrine of Al Wallaa' wa al Baraa (allegiance and immunity), which is, in short: enmity.

To understand how the administrative challenge works, we need to consider the pragmatic challenge.

The pragmatic challenges of Islam

Dear we need to consider at least four of them most important ingredients of the pragmatic challenge: the doctrine of the Takkiya (cover-up), doctrine of abrogation, doctrine of biblical corruption, and doctrine of living obedience.

The doctrine of Takkiya (cover-up)

Takkiya literally means "caution," "fear," or "disguise." If sanctions lying to or deceiving others to advance the cause of Islam or to preserve its good name. As such, "it permits to suspension, as the need arises, of almost any or all of religious requirements, or its doctrines-including a total denial of faith-when fearing threat, injury, or compulsion of any kind in any non-Muslim society, or even in a Muslim society."The Qur'anic injunction for Takkiya is Sura 16:106: "anyone who after accepting faith in Allah utters Unbelief (kuffur) except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in faith but such as open their breasts to unbelief, on them is wrath from Allah."

The wireless used in connection with the TF, especially in taking oaths with a complete mental blockage by the user, continue to do incalculable damage and injury to all of its victims.

The Takkiya is very effectively used in apologetics, so a Muslim debater will hide or deny certain parts of the Qur'an to justify and advance the cause of Islam. Always outmaneuvering his Christian opponents, the debater does this with no guilt as this is divinely sanctioned. I personally practice this prior to coming to the Lord. It is displayed in words, actions, or attitudes.

The doctrine of abrogation

The doctrine of ambition was to Mohammed a doctrine of convenience. So when he claimed a revelation to be no longer suitable, he claimed that it was replaced by some new revelation. For example, initially in his mission Christians were friends and called the nearest and closest to Muslims, but later they were the enemies and the worst of Allah's creatures.

The difficulty with this doctrine is that it is scattered all over the Qur'an, and one phrase or verse in the aggregate or replace either one or many. So, for instance, Sura 9:5 abrogate some 124 verses of the Qur'an! Interestingly, the abrogated (nullified) verses are quoted to non-Muslims all the time, causing obfuscation and taking a Christian apologist by surprise. But this practice is justified via the Takkiya doctrine explained above.

The doctrine of biblical corruption

The doctrine of the corruption of the Bible is constantly preached in the mosques and Islamic outlets, deploying all mental and spiritual skills, and in debates. In the initial stages of Mohammed's mission, the early Suras validated the biblical scriptures, only to be abrogated by later ones. It is not unusual for Muslim speakers to impress the Western audiences with these earlier "friendly" versus and to complain that there is hardly any difference between Islam and Christianity!

Again, in borrowing biblical terminologies and giving them different interpretations, Islam has taken on the triune God of the universe and his church and, according to Scripture, is bound to fail.

The doctrine of living obedience

Islam declares that Allah has created man and jinn (unseen beings) to worship him. Islam, being a religion and a state, obligates a Muslim to such "worship" at both levels. These duties are known as ibada. So fasting is worship (Sura 2:183, 185), as is salat (ritual prayer) and zakat (almsgiving) (Sura 9:60), and so is the hijab (woman's head covering) and wearing of beards for men (because Mohammed had a beard). But ibada also includes killing and slaying on his enemies (Sura 2:216).

Hence, every Muslim is a soldier in the state of Islam. As a Muslim soldier, he or she is required to obey and to feel not only the religious obligations of fasting and praying but also the duties of the state, including fighting and dying for the way of Allah. This is codified in the Qur'an as the doctrine of living obedience, based, for example, and Sura 61:11: "that you believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that you strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allah, with your property and your persons: that will be best for you, if you but knew!"

From a pragmatic perspective, the doctrine of living obedience gives the Islamic authorities (combined religious/political/military) full rights to demand any services from the Muslims, including sacrifice of property and even life. In fact, this doctrine is the basis of the current suicide phenomenon observed now on a daily basis.

A Christian response to the challenges of Islam

Apologetics generally requires a thinking mind. But Christian apologetics demands more: a thinking head as well as a compassionate heart. This is more easily said than done. Jesus commanded his followers to love their enemies and pray for them (Matt. 5:44). He knew and said that he was sending them (his disciples) as lambs in the midst of wolves (Matt. 10:16). Muslim evangelism requires a life of prayer, self-denial, and even great risk in some circumstances.

Realizing that in Islam fills the minds of its citizens with a different Jesus-and that even to imagine Jesus as the second person of the triune Godhead is a combination of high treason and blasphemy-one begins to understand the desperate state into which Muslims are born through no choice of their own.

A distorted view of Jesus

Islam is the lens through which Muslims see the Qur'an excursion of Christ and even the Trinity. So what they see in Jesus, which in their book, is really what apologists call a straw man; in the case of the Trinity, they see an extreme and truly blasphemous case of idolatry. Through this distorted lens they see a Jesus who is a prophet only to the Jews, who came for the purpose of confirming the law of the Torah and to announce the coming of one greater than he-one named Ahmad (another name for Mohammed). To Muslims, Jesus' mission is not universal, as Mohammed's is said to be, and he is alleged to be a Muslim himself; even Jesus is set to bow the knee to Allah in Islam.

To realize this is to develop a compassionate outlook and to begin to comprehend even the most heinous permutation of the Islamic faith we are witnessing today-the growing number of suicide bombers. Contrary to what we hear, these young men and women are often hand-picked from among the most moderate of the Muslim population. They are then pressured within a short period of time into taking an action they are sure it is necessary to please Allah and at the same time to bring honor to their families.

In spite of this, Muslims yearn for the true God, and many are crying out in search of the truth. And an increasing number of cases, Christ is coming to them and is answering them directly. However, this does not leave us free to abandon the pursuit of reaching Muslims. It just means that our pursuit must be more intentional and that we must realize certain realities make reaching Muslims totally different from any of the other false religions in existence.

A little bit of truth, but not the whole picture

As we have discussed briefly, Islam gains its authenticity from claiming to be the furtherance of the Torah and the Gospels of the New Testament, while at the same time protecting itself from comparison-and thus exposure-through a convenient doctrine of "biblical corruption."This doctrine claims that the Scriptures were altered by the Jews and Christians in order to remove the alleged predictions of the coming prophet of Islam, Mohammed. So one can see that Muslims have been methodically inoculated on all points by having been given heavy doses of what appears to be true, so that the actual truth looks like the lie. Through their lands, they get a little bit of Jesus, but not the real Jesus, the second person of our triune God, our savior, priest, and king-but a Muslim Jesus, with no cross, no deity, no universal mission as savior of mankind.

Through their lens, they also get a little bit of the patriarchs, the Trinity, and all other key personalities and doctrines-just enough to give the appearance of confirming and extending the Torah and Gospels. They had a little here, only a little there-so only in the appearance remains intact; but the gospel they tell is a "different gospel" that fits the warning in the Bible against adding or subtracting from Scriptures (Gal. 1:8; Rev. 22:18-19).

Principles for reaching Muslims

This is just a brief overview of the challenges of Islam, but we are encouraged greatly by what the Lord is doing in recent days among Muslims, and by the assurances we have that he indeed will go with us when we go in his name and for his purposes.

Below are some principles that apply for those who are moved to take on this formidable challenge to dedicate themselves to reaching Muslims. At first glance, they may seem simplistic, but each principle is distilled from experience on the front lines of Muslim evangelism.

Muslim evangelism is labor intensive. This will not come as a surprise, but it must be intentionally taken into account or one can burn out after feelings of failure set in when coming up against the substantial defenses that Islam has erected in the Muslim mind. Keep in mind always that results are not the issue, but rather perseverance, diligence, and accountability.

Have a backup team of intercessors. These people care about these concerns and can also be a sounding board when you hit an obstacle or have theological questions about certain issues. Muslims are drawn to Christians and often share personal issues and request prayer-amazingly enough. Also, you yourself will meet back up prayer because of increasing spiritual pressures you will experience the more successful you are.

Muslim evangelism requires an ongoing commitment to the study of Christian doctrines. In our witness to Muslims, the Bible and its teachings will be severely tested, accused, and refuted-but it is the inspired Word of God that embodies the truth.

Know your enemy and know your spiritual limits. Studying the Qur'an and Islamic sources and issues is essential, but it is also spiritually draining and unhealthy without a constant dose of God's truth. As a general rule, I recommend a four-to-one ratio of praise, worship, and immersion in the Word for everyone hour in the Qur'an and other sources. This caution must not be overlooked. You may be able to get by in the beginning, but it will catch up with you, and many have been so seriously wounded that they have become ineffective. We must take heed.

Before engaging in Qur'anic studies, be sure that this is a calling of the Lord. Everyone can witness their faith to Muslims by coming alongside them as friends and through many activities short of studying the Qur'an. However, those who want to go into studies of Islamic sources should be sure of their calling to apologetics or polemics and should approach it with sobriety.

Beautiful in your relationships with Muslims. When you converse with Muslims, you need to watch your temper because the lies and refutations will not always be limited to issues of the Bible, but will spill over into your culture, your country, and all you hold dear. Remember that this is to put you to the test by provoking you. Stay calm and seek the Lord's help under fire. Once you lose your temper, you have lost a lot.

Demonstrate the love of Christ in your relationships with Muslims. Muslims are drawn to the love of Christ, and this is a big responsibility as well as a blessing. When I read the New Testament, what amazed and astounded me the most was the teachings on love, not only towards one's kin and kindred, but even towards one's enemies. It was so different from my training in Islam that it actually made me angry that someone could suggest something so obviously impossible. But as I continued reading, the reality of it entered my heart and changed my life.

And finally, do not ignore the supernatural in Muslim evangelism, or take it as an excuse to avoid evangelism, depending on the Lord to come to your Muslim friend in a vision or dream. We have been commanded to proclaim love-in season and out (2 Tim. 4:2)-so we command you to obey the Lord even if it means some hardship. After all, we have been called to deny ourselves and carry the cross of Christ for his glory.

Taken from: Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias (pages: 60-70) – And a special thanks to my friend Alex for sharing this with me to add in my blog.

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