Human Rights.
You and I both have human rights because we are human. We have a right to choose which businesses to deal with. We have a right to services from whatever utility company we want to provide that service. We have a right to pray to our God. We also have a right not to believe in human rights activists who badmouth the people who are trying to help us exercise these rights.
One of these activists is a man who used to call himself Reverend. He was at an Ex Jehovah's Witness conference in 2004 passing out Holy Communion. Subsequent to that, he started calling my friend who runs a recovery group all kinds of names, and she deleted him from the group, because he harrassed her so much. Then he started his own group which talked about Human Rights. But his idea of Human Rights is not mine. He does not discuss the rights of you and me, John Q. Public type people. He talks of the Eastern Religions, of Witchcraft Organizations, of everything that smacks of very limited freedom here in the United States.
I think here I need to warn each and every one of you to beware of people like this. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. They are up to no good. This person is in so much trouble that he may be in danger for his life. We don't know how bad it is, but I have heard some things that make me think he is schizophrenic, and that is a very dangerous mentality to be in.
So you have all had your lecture for today. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. Praise God, use the utility companies who do you the best service, and forget the rest. And most important of all, don't believe everything you read on the internet, or hear by word of mouth; check it out with the Bible if you have doubts about anything you hear or see.
Until next time.
One of these activists is a man who used to call himself Reverend. He was at an Ex Jehovah's Witness conference in 2004 passing out Holy Communion. Subsequent to that, he started calling my friend who runs a recovery group all kinds of names, and she deleted him from the group, because he harrassed her so much. Then he started his own group which talked about Human Rights. But his idea of Human Rights is not mine. He does not discuss the rights of you and me, John Q. Public type people. He talks of the Eastern Religions, of Witchcraft Organizations, of everything that smacks of very limited freedom here in the United States.
I think here I need to warn each and every one of you to beware of people like this. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. They are up to no good. This person is in so much trouble that he may be in danger for his life. We don't know how bad it is, but I have heard some things that make me think he is schizophrenic, and that is a very dangerous mentality to be in.
So you have all had your lecture for today. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. Praise God, use the utility companies who do you the best service, and forget the rest. And most important of all, don't believe everything you read on the internet, or hear by word of mouth; check it out with the Bible if you have doubts about anything you hear or see.
Until next time.